Mike's Blog Round-Up
Links to the Blogs You Need to Read!
Nine/Eleven Anniv. Edition: It was Bush's fault. But nothing like COVID. Trump has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his tiny paws.
Unanswered Uvalde questions, from Off the Kuff.
FairandUnbalanced recaps the wk.
Interesting take on Her Late Majesty's dealing w/ empire, from Responsible Statecraft.
Press Watch looks at the "right-wing billionaire" who bought POLITICO. (See also: CNN.) We don't let furriners own U.S. telebision stations, why do we let them control our internet/print media?
Bonus from Ant Farmer's Almanac.
By M. Bouffant, who's been slaving over a literally hot keyboard all this wk., until we were saved by Tropical Storm Kay.
Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.