Sen. Angus King: GOP 'Only Likes Democracy When They Win'

The Senator from Maine did not mince words describing the odious lies Republicans have been telling for years.

Sen. Angus King ripped Lindsay Graham and Republican's new attempts to federalize an abortion ban, after years and years of Republicans claiming abortion is a states rights issue.

King joined MSNBC's Morning Joe program Tuesday and lit into the right-wing, extreme Christian nationalist positions now being adopted by the entire GOP, which includes taking rights away from women.

"We are looking at Republicans who had taken extreme positions on abortion bans in their own states to win primaries, now running in a general election in November, and trying to kind of dial back those more extreme positions. what do you make of what Senator Graham is proposing?"

"Well, it's almost amusing, if it wasn't so serious," King said.

"These are the guys who for years have been talking about states' rights. I think they only like states' rights. I think they only like states' rights if the state does what they want," he said.

"They only like democracy if they win elections, and the other thing conservatives always talk about, you know, keeping the government out of your lives. How about keeping the government out of your bedroom and doctor's office, and that's what we're talking about here," King said.

King said some Republicans are dialing back their horrible abortion positions as the election approaches because they know a vast majority of Americans do not support overturning Roe v Wade.

"I have often thought if men had to randomly have babies, I think they would be viewing this somewhat differently. To see these men leading the charge to impose rules and obligations and dangerous medical conditions on women, it's just -- it doesn't work on any level," King stated.

The MAGA GOP is turning back the clock to 1692, and overturning Roe v Wade is the first step. They are trying to "Christianize" the entire country to their own white power, patriarchal, ethno-religious views and to Hell with any non-believer.

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