Alex Jones's Hateful Rant: If You Vote For A Democrat, You're In The KKK
The white pot calling the kettle a racist.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones attacked African Americans by claiming that a vote for a Democrat makes you part of the KKK.
How sick is this guy?
Jones, who is still is being sued by Sandy Hook families for calling the massacre of their children a false flag operation claimed the Democratic Party is reaching out to the Black community by aborting their babies.
"At this point how the hell can anybody vote Democrat, especially black folks?" he wondered. "Biden said if you don't vote for me you're not black. If you vote for a Democrat, you're in the KKK."
Overturning Roe v Wade has sure turned the insanity to eleven with these fuckers.
"I'm going to get in the faces of these liberal black people, they make me sick," Jones sneered.
Jones basically should have said he's going to get in the faces of some black people because they make him sick, liberal or otherwise.
It's always interesting watching a racist scumbag like Jones try to find a sliver of information, or a word, that they can twist, and rework to then try and claim you're the racist.
Go to hell.