Steve Bannon: Christian Nationalism Will Destroy The Democratic Party

In fact Christian Nationalism would destroy the US Constitution and US Democracy in its entirety and the country would become a theocracy.

Steve Bannon told an audience of Catholics that Christian nationalism can destroy the Democratic party as a political institution.

Taking a pager out of Adolf Hitler's repertoire, Bannon did not hide his contempt for US Democracy and any opposing views.

"You know what their greatest fear is? What they refer to as Christian nationalism," Bannon said.

(That's exactly what Bannon supports and what the MAGA cult thrives on.)

"Did you see June 2020, when they burned down Chicago, Seattle, burned down Portland, burned down NY. Did you see that?" he asked.

This is in reference to the Black Lives Matters protests of 2020 in the aftermath of the police killing George Floyd. Their anger had nothing to do with politics, MAGA, or Mao.

"Are there any federal charges on that?" Bannon asked.

Right-wing grievances is at the heart of their extreme religious movement.

Also, BLM did not attack the US Capitol, so no.

"Let's make sure we understand exactly what we're fighting," he said.

"These are more radical atheists than Mao Tse-tung, and the more radical atheists in the French revolution," Bannon whined.

Discussing the midterms, he let the venom fly.

"We stand with a unique opportunity that will never come to us again. To destroy the Democratic Party as a national political institution,' Bannon admitted.

Bannon and the MAGA cult do not believe in a two party system of governance. Fomenting hatred and violence against 'the others' (In this case the others are anyone who doesn't identify as a Christian nationalist.)

US democracy is hanging on by a thread.

Bannon told us so.

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