Blake Masters Backtracks, Tells Fox News 2020 Election Was Stolen

Once an election denier, always an election denier, no matter if he scrubs it from his website.

Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters told Fox News he still believes the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, and then proceeded to blame Hunter Biden.

Fox News host Harris Faulkner asked Masters why he took his election fraud beliefs off his website and then asked if he still believed the election was stolen. As recently as last week's debate, Masters said he believed Biden was the legitimate President.

"60% of the country will see somebody on a ballot somewhere who believes that 2020's election was not fair and that Joe Biden -- actually this is according to the Poynter Institute for Media Studies -- and that Joe Biden is not the legitimate winner of the 2020 election," she said. "70% of people polled are saying that. Quinnipiac, Washington Post, and so with that as a backdrop I know at one point your website had featured this statement, 'If we had a free and fair election President Trump would be sitting in the oval office today."

"That comment no longer sits on your website. Why not?" she asked.

(Faulkner just either lied or was poorly informed about the Poynter article, but I'll get to that shortly.)

"Well, I still believe it, that's for sure," Masters said.

"Like I said in my debate last week, I think if everyone followed the law, Trump would be in the Oval office," he said.

No laws were broken in any state, including Arizona.

Masters then refused to explain why he pulled his election denial from his website (We know why) and then launched into a rant against Hunter Biden, Big Tech and the FBI as reasons why Traitor Trump lost.

Faulkner came back saying, his words have nothing to do about the election process itself.

Faulkner completely misrepresented the Poynter article. The piece specifically says this: Republican voters, as much as 70% believed the election was not legitimate.

Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims. Here are some reasons why

In poll after poll, about 70% of Republicans say they don’t think Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

That's not all voters, only Republican voters, Harris. That's a big miss and an out-and-out lie told to bolster Blake Masters' campaign.

Fox News' role is to endorse, groom and elect Republicans to Congress, period. They are not news, they are just campaign operatives.

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