Clarence Thomas Puts The Brakes On Lindsey Graham's Testimony In Georgia
The GOP acts as one big criminal organization.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas temporarily blocked the subpoena from Georgia demanding Sen. Lindsey Graham testify to a grand jury investigating Trump's malfeasance after he lost the state to Joe Biden in the 2020 general election.
Thomas thumbed his nose at a panel of judges on the 11th circuit who unanimously rejected Graham's request to block his testimony.
Georgia is investigating Trump's heinous actions trying to get election officials to somehow find more votes and name him the winner of the peach state.
During that time Sen. Graham contacted Georgia state election officials in an apparent effort to pressure them into doing Trump's bidding.
Clarence Thomas, as usual, plays the right-wing troll.
CNBC writes, "Thomas, who is responsible for emergency applications such as Graham’s issued out of the 11th Circuit, issued the hold on the subpoena on his own accord, without referring the question to the entire Supreme Court. The conservative justice said the subpoena would be delayed pending further order by Thomas or the Supreme Court."
Graham is arguing that the subpoena violates the U.S. Constitution’s speech and debate clause.
Rolling Stone explains, "In his request to the court, Graham’s Legal team argues that the phone calls made to election officials were “made in the course of his official work, in the leadup to the critical vote under the Electoral Count Act.” Graham would need to prove his actions took place in his capacity as an elected representative and not as an ally acting in the interests of former President Trump."
This is a joke because trying to force a state to reverse itself after a presidential candidate was named the winner that you didn't support is criminal and not Congressional business.
It's not lost on anybody that Thomas' wife was part of the election deniers trying to overthrow the government and Georgia was at the apex of their attempts to do so.