Middle-Aged Fox News Host Has Thoughts On 'Uglified' College Students
58-year old Greg Gutfeld thinks college students are 'uglifying' themselves.
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, co-host of The Five, made a disgusting observation comment about the 'looks' of college students today, using a few Tiktok videos for his analysis.
The Five was discussing the almost 10% drop in young people attending college, which shouldn't surprise anybody since costs are expensive and the country is still dealing with COVID19, and its shock wave aftereffects.
As usual, Fox News focused on one course being taught in a Wisconsin college, claiming it represents the entire nation's youth.
Lawrence University offers a one credit class called 'Do Nothing' which helps students unwind and relieve stress and mental health challenges, but Fox News took it to mean colleges are 'woke', students were lazy and didn't want to work.
Jeanine Pirro claimed just that, even though the unemployment rate is very low at 3.5%.
It was Gutfeld's turn to pontificate. The 58-year-old co-host, who is no swimsuit model either, singled out the costs and the predatory loan industry before offering up his bombastic observation.
'College doesn't look like it's fun anymore. Have you seen a lot of how miserable and how miserable looking a lot of the students are?" he said.
"They are deliberately uglyfing themselves.You see them on TikTok, they're out of shape, they're asexual, they are like rejecting the truth in beauty, they all look like rejects from a loony bin. I'd steer clear of college, too!" Gutfeld whined.
In reality Gutfeld is attacking Generation Z and Generation Alpha because these generations of young people, aided by technology and social media have turned away from the rigid religiosity of past generations to define themselves and their sexuality in new terms.
Gutfeld boils it all down to an ugly ducking syndrome.
Maybe he should do a college tour instead of using Tiktok to define college students. but then he'd have no material to lie about.