GA Lt Gov Blasts Trump For Herschel Walker Debacle
“We’re paying the price” for Donald Trump picking Herschel Walker as Georgia’s Senate nominee, Republican Lt. Gov. Duncan said on CNN.
Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan has already been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump and he is forgoing running for re-election in favor of a “GOP 2.0” movement that looks to move the party past TFG. Still, it’s unusual for any Republican with obvious political ambitions to come out so forcefully against his party and its nominee so close to an election.
On the other hand, it’s unusual for any political party to nominate a candidate as spectacularly awful and unqualified as Walker.
Thursday, Duncan both wrote an opinion piece for and appeared on that network’s Anderson Cooper 360 show.
For, Duncan wrote that Walker won his Senate primary only because of his 40-year old football performance and his friendship with Donald Trump, “neither of which are guaranteed tickets to victory anymore.” The Republican party “should not have found its chance of regaining a Senate majority hanging on an untested and unproven first-time candidate,” he said.
On Anderson Cooper, Duncan was more scathing:
DUNCAN: This has not as much to do with Herschel Walker as it does the process we went through here in Georgia to actually elect him.
We didn’t ask who was the best leader. We didn’t ask who had the best resume. Unfortunately, Republicans looked around to see who Donald Trump supported and he was a famous football player and so he became our nominee and now we’re paying the price for that.
Ironically, Duncan is a former professional baseball player whose athletic career tops his official biography. But he also served three terms in the Georgia House of Representatives before successfully running for lieutenant governor. And unlike Trump or Walker, Duncan can coherently string two sentences together and does not appear to be a lying hypocrite.