Johnson Is Pro-Life - Results May Vary
Ron Johnson said that society must protect the life in the womb. He also said that society should not have to support other people's children.
In Friday night's debate between Ron Johnson and Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, the question of women's reproductive health care including a follow up question regarding birth control, IVF and other related topics. The candidates answered pretty much as one might expect of them. Barnes said that he would vote for codifying Roe v Wade. RoJo ignored the reality of his own past behaviors and statements and went on a rambling monologue about how society must protect the life of an unborn child in the womb.
He also pushed for the idea of a referendum to be put to the voters in regards to how far should the state go to protect that life, knowing that the Republicans would never let this go to a vote, especially when more than 60% of Wisconsinites support a woman being able to make her own health care decisions.
The irony of it all is that RoJo also was the one that said that society does not have a responsibility to support that life once it's born (emphasis mine):
While in La Crosse, Johnson said he supports a reduction in unemployment benefits to reduce the worker shortage, but says he does not support the government helping families find child care.
“People decide to have families and become parents, that’s something they need to consider when they make that choice,” Johnson said. “I’ve never really felt it was society’s responsibility to take care of other people’s children.”
And yet it's people like RoJo that will try to spread so much bullshit like that Democrats want to abort babies after their born. Do they not own mirrors?