He's Baaaack! Lou Dobbs Tries To Out-Extreme The Extremists

The disgraced former Fox Business darling is back and working hard to lie to the few viewers he has left.

Leading Trump apologist and repeatedly fired TV host Lou Dobbs ranted like a man off his medications, going so far in his delusion as to claim the Democratic party wants to almost destroy life itself.

Speaking to Steve Bannon's Real America's Voice War Room podcast, Dobbs tried to out-extreme the extremists.

"They’re all ideologues," he said.

"They are Marxist dims driving an agenda which is fundamentally to destroy capitalism, to destroy the family, destroy God. You name it, if it’s American, they are against it,” Dobbs said.

It's not good enough to disagree with any center left political beliefs. Any dissenting idea must be annihilated. The way to do that for these MAGA creeps is with this type of unhinged extremist eliminationist rant against fellow Americans.

It's almost like there's a contest between MAGA supporters, apologists, and media mouthpieces to see who can spew the most despicable, toxic, and insane characterizations against those who refuse to embrace their version of white, Christian nationalistic fascism.

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