Republicans Propose Eliminating The VA Healthcare System

When will Republican voters realize the GOP doesn't support the members of the military, just their government contractors?

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz told a group at FreedomWorks that it's high time they abolish the VA, roll the dice and try something different.

Targeting the VA because recruits to the military were promised healthcare for their service is abominable.

"Why not abolish the VA?" Gaetz asked. "Take all of the money that we are otherwise spending. Go to any willing provider system within our communities and then if people get bad care they can vote with their feet. You will have a two-tier system of healthcare in this country with our veterans and everyone else."

There is so much wrong and immoral in those few words.

Veterans are essentially an older demographic. Roughly 24% are 49 years-old and under.

The average age of all veterans was 58 years. More specifically, 21.1 percent of the veteran population was under the age of 45, 41.2 percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, and 37.1 percent of the population was 65 years or older.

Rep. Gaetz seems ignorant to the healthcare needs of the elderly in this country, especially veterans.

Gaetz is also playing Russian roulette with veterans' healthcare.

What local healthcare organizations in their communities would take on this burden since many veterans have health issues already?

It takes a lot of work and time to set up a health care system specifically for veterans via private companies. Gaetz seems to think they just flick a lightswitch and suddenly there is a new local healthcare center for veterans in every city and state in this country.

It's a long and arduous process so if it fails, veterans have nowhere to go.

What then Matt Gaetz? Where do our veterans go?

Nowhere, because this is Gaetz' unserious solution, one which is really intended to erode healthcare access in this country.

Of course, Matt Gaetz hasn't served a day in his life so what does he care about veterans? He's just a FreedomWorks troll who lives to serve his billionaires.

If it is a failure then simply vote the people out of office that put this insane system in place.

Voilá! Problem solved.

Again this is madness.

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