Tom Fitton Conspired With Trump To Declare Victory Before The Election

The plot was hatched in October for Trump to declare victory regardless of the results.

During today's Select Committee hearing, Rep. Zoe Lofgren presented new evidence that Trump, his team, and MAGA activists hatched a plan before the November 3rd election took place for Trump to claim he won even if he lost the election.

The Committee found that Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch, a notorious and insufferable voter fraud and Democratic troll organization, sent a memo to Trump in late October, outlining what Trump would say to declare himself the winner.

“The Fitton memo specifically indicates a plan that only the votes counted by the election day deadline — there is no election day deadline — would matter,” Lofgren said.

"Mr. Trump also consulted with an outside advisor Tom Fitton about the strategy. The Select Committee got this prepared statement from the National Archives," Rep. Lofgren said.

"As you can see, the draft statement, which was sent on October 31st, declares, 'We had an election today and I won' and the Fitton memo specifically indicates a plan that only the votes counted by the Election Day deadline -- there is no Election Day deadline -- would matter," she said.

"Everyone knew that ballot counting would lawfully continue past Election Day. Claiming that the counting on Election Night must stop before millions of votes were counted was as we now know, a key part of president Trump's premeditated plan," Lofgren said.

The Select Committee has now proven that Tom Fitton, who goes on Fox News constantly screaming about voter fraud, is now implicated in trying to subvert the course of US Democracy by disregarding the votes entirely.

It's obvious they knew that mail-in ballots were breaking badly for Trump and that's why Fitton said the votes only counted on Election Night.

The statement the Committee received is damning and shows the severe lengths these creeps went to to come up with a scenario where Trump would still hold office.

It makes one think that Trump's internal polling, as well as other right-wing polling organizations had him losing the 2020 election all along so they brainstormed and concocted as many immoral plans and activities as possible for him to try and stay in office, knowing they had the Supreme Court in their pocket if it went in that direction.

The LA Times reminded us of this sordid episode by Steve Bannon, who not surprisingly refused to testify to the Select Committee.

Bannon also knew of Trump’s plan.

“What Trump is going to do is declare victory…, but that doesn’t mean he is the winner. He’s just going to say he is the winner,” Bannon said in an Oct. 31, 2020, recording aired by the Select Committee.

Bannon added that Trump planned to say the election was stolen on Election Night, even if he was behind in votes. “If Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy s—.”

Some crazy shit did happen.

And then we had a violent insurrection on January 6th.

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