Trump Revives An Old Toxic Lie About Abortions

Trump and Republicans must lie at all costs and they do so with the most vicious vitriol imaginable.

Speaking at a Michigan rally on Saturday, Donald Trump used the overturning of Roe v. Wade to spew unrivaled zealotry when he claimed the Democratic party wants to abort babies, even after they have already been born. Yes, he suggested infanticide. Again.

The f**king stupid hurts. That has nothing to do with an abortion or Roe v. Wade.

Trump focused on Governor Whitmer, who was almost kidnapped and quite possibly murdered by Trump supporters, and went

Railing on a woman's right to control her own body, "[Whitmer] fanatically committed to abortions," Trump yelled. "And even after the baby is born."

Traitor Trump continued his rant by pretending he's for certain exceptions which are going by the wayside as red states pass more draconian restrictions on womens' bodies.

"But the radical Democrats believe in abortion and really right from the moment of birth, and even after birth," Trump lied.

Every poll done after the kangaroo Supreme Court overturned Roe shows that a huge majority of Americans say abortion "should be legal in all or most cases."

So the cockwobbler and his minions must then make the most outrageous lies to rev up their MAGA cult and paint their rivals as monsters.

This is truly heinous.

The fact this former guy, this traitor, this fascist is still speaking at white supremacist-like rallies after trying to overthrow the government while inciting an insurrection is a sickness all to itself.

(Oh, look. Trump Gold.)

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