'Gaslighting!' Geraldo Smacks Down Co-Host Defending Paul Pelosi Smears

Geraldo Rivera even attacked Fox News and blamed them for giving whackos crazy ideas.

Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera shouted down Will Cain's idiotic claims blaming the media for the right wing disinformation campaign against Paul Pelosi after he was viciously attacked by one of their own.

Cain claimed it was the media's fault for Republicans' outlandish behavior and their lies and conspiracies around the attack on Paul Pelosi.

Essentially Cain said if there's bad reporting initially, even after it is corrected, then don't be surprised if conspiracy theories are born.

It can never be the fault of MAGA psychos, ever. Cain just outlined the right wing recipe for disinformation.

Kurtz asked Geraldo to respond to the "made-up garbage about Paul Pelosi and DePape supposedly being a male prostitute which includes Elon Musk, Larry Elder and Donald Trump, Jr. -- now apologize rather than just deleting the tweets?"

"Yes, they should, " Geraldo replied. "And Will's analysis is baloney."

"What these people did was grotesque," he said, detailing Don Junior's horrific Halloween post about underpants and a hammer.

"It is disgusting. Low down and dirty. It's partisan politics taken to an extreme that makes me want to spit," Geraldo ranted.

Cain interrupted, asking what was so wrong about his analysis. ( It wasn't analysis, but lies about what happened.)

"Do you jump into a gay tryst, a fight, do you need to jump right in the gutter because he's Nancy Pelosi's husband? Will, some things we can't do, we cannot do," Geraldo said, pointing his finger at Cain.

"What we cannot do is take an incident like this and twist it so it becomes part of a political narrative," he said.

Cain jumped back in whining that 50% of the country were indicted before he blamed Joe Biden.

"You are gaslighting," Geraldo interrupted. “What does that have to do with the slander of Paul Pelosi?”

"We sat by and watched our colleagues slander Paul Pelosi and made him into this caricature. Some things we can do!", Rivera stressed.

"Some things we can do!" he said again.

"I am absolutely finished with the intolerant -- Where do you think whackos get these ideas? They get these ideas because we encourage it, we entitle them," Geraldo said indicting Fox News as well.

Good for Geraldo for calling out Fox News and blaming them as well for injecting the whacked out MAGA cult with crazy ideas.

(Ed. note: Also, burn the lifeboats. The cynic in all of us has to ask whether or not this is Fox News' way of steering clear of another defamation lawsuit. - Karoli)

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