Ben Shapiro: Martians Would Be Against Same-Sex Marriage

Noted alien and sex expert Ben Shapiro shares his knowledge with co-expert Matt Walsh.

The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh railed against the Senate bill supporting same-sex marriage, and even took their bitching and moaning off planet.

Host Matt Walsh whined and scolded any Republican that would vote for the Senate bill.

"Any Republican who would sign on to that should be exiled from the party," he said.

Cancel culture, anybody?

A dozen Republicans voted for it so...

On November 15th, Shapiro took it to outer space.

"The argument for marriage has literally nothing to do with religion," Shapiro said. "You could be a visitor from Mars, and you could see that all of human procreation relies on man, woman, and child. This is not particularly difficult stuff."

Dweeb Ben Shapiro claimed marriage has nothing to do with religion and brought in the little green men caucus to back it up.

Procreation is not the only reason people get married, a-hole.

If it has nothing to do with religion, then why does the cadre of evangelical Republican operatives (and wingnut mouthpieces like these two) constantly attack the queer community?

By the way, outside of love, same-sex marriage gives their union the legal right to intercede and make medical decisions between the couple, since only family remembers and spouses are allowed to do so across this country legally.

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