NY Post Humiliates 'Toxic Trump'

Toxic Trump is the political equivalent of a can of Raid.

The NY Post ran an opinion piece by John Podhoretz, that was a brutal take down of the former guy with a visual cover that screamed Trumpy-Dumpty.

This piece and graphic would never have been possible if the story was to be published on or before November 7th.

Podhoretz, a long time columnist for the Post clocked in at 100 mph and did not take his foot off the gas pedal: "Hey, Lyin’ Ted and Sleepy Joe: Meet Toxic Trump. You know, if the former president had any self-knowledge or even the slightest ability to be self-deprecating, he might consider giving himself this alliterative nickname."


What Tuesday night’s results suggest is that Trump is perhaps the most profound vote repellent in modern American history.

The surest way to lose in these midterms was to be a politician endorsed by Trump.

This is not hyperbole.

The article tracks many of the MAGA endorsements that failed.

I do enjoy this analogy: "Toxic Trump is the political equivalent of a can of Raid."

I don't expect Fox News or the NY Post to ever look at their actions with any sort of introspection.

They've helped to energize, encourage and support the conspiracy led, white supremacist, and Christian nationalism that has overtaken the GOP.

They are their problem as well as Trump's

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