AOC Easily Trolls Ronny Jackson

She's very good at this.

In a seventeen-word tweet rebuttal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made former Trump doctor and now Texas Congressman look like a bewildered fool over his phony "gas stove" outrage.

Rep. Jackson was one of first cultists to respond to a comment made by Richard Trumka Jr., one of the four commissioners of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, about gas stoves.

Mind you, And The USCPSC is not "the administration." They're an independent entity with commissioners appointed by presidents (and confirmed by the Senate) in staggered seven-year terms.

AND...the Biden administration has already said it has no plans to ban gas stoves. Give me a break.

But in the MAGA cult, freaking out over non-existent "threats" is acceptable behavior.

Jackson's entire time in Congress so far has been tweeting out hyperbolic nonsense and glorifying traitor Trump. "They can pry it from my cold dead hands and COME AND TAKE IT!"

AOC, the calmest of the calm, retweeted him, did an Instagram post on the idiocy, and shut him down:

"Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance?"

Boom. That's how it is done.

It appears from his actions that Ronny Jackson has been huffing down NO2 from his "gas stove" for years.

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