Methinks Mercedes Schlapp Has Other Things To Worry About

Gas stoves? What about junk grabbing?

Since Republicans have no real ideas on how to govern, they glom onto any report they believe they can use for fundraising and trolling.

The newest fabricated outrage is over gas stoves.

It's been reported for years that gas stoves are a danger to your home and to the environment. Still, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission commissioner fueled their outrage by telling Bloomberg News, “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

This was the epicenter of the cascade of faux-outrage and trolling.

One person joining this charade appears to have bigger problems to worry about. Because lordy, there are text messages showing her husband to be a sexual assaulter of other men:

Still, Mercedes Schlapp appears to be more concerned about her gas stove than the sexual assault allegation against her husband Matt by a male Herschel Walker staffer.

Wait, what? Does that mean she's replacing her husband and keeping her gas stove?

Also, Mercedes found the time to troll the Golden Globes for some reason over ratings, even though streaming makes "ratings" arguments obsolete.

How strange.

We totally understand why Mercedes wants to change the subject, but she needs to work on her marriage or her divorce papers, not Republican trolling.

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