M&Ms Caves To Fox News Crazy Pressure

'Purple' -- I miss you already.

The Fox News attack on the poor defenseless M&Ms has been so relentless that the candy manufacturer decided to put a hold on their new creations celebrating inclusivity.

"We weren't sure if anyone would notice. And we definitely didn't think would break the Internet."

I'm not sure if this was a satirical remark or their actual thought process. Haven't they been paying attention to the wingnut outrage machine since Biden took office?

M&Ms weren't polarizing. The insane Republican attack squads were polarizing.

I wrote this on January 10th, "The only people focusing their attention on the M&Ms are these Fox News hosts. The Purple M&Ms now entered Fox News' lexicon of evil culture war marauders, and they must be stopped."

Who knew a Purple candy was more important to Fox News than lowering inflation?

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