Republicans Vow To Cut Social Security: 'People Want To Work Longer'

Who doesn't want to dig ditches until they are ninety years old?

Georgia Republican Congressman Rick Allen said they are considering raising the age of Social Security because, in his words, "people want to work longer."

Social Security Works grabbed this video for the entire country to see.

Pete Callahan asked the Congressman about raising the age of retirement.

Allen thought that was an interesting question.

"People come up to me, and they actually want to work longer," Allen said. (If that doesn't sound like a "sir story," I'm not sure what is.)

"That's on the table?" Callahan asked.

"Well, you know, if people want to work longer maybe you need to give them an incentive to do it," Allen replied.

"That's the way to solve every one of these problems by the way," he added.

What people are Allen talking to?


Don Trump Jr?

Raising the Social Security retirement age is a drastic benefit cut to all retirees. Ask any of us who are counting the years waiting to age 67 to get full benefits.

Remember, a person does not have to take Social Security at 66 years and nine months. The longer a person can wait, the greater the benefit they will receive.

Emily Singer writes, "Currently, people can opt for what the Social Security Administration calls "early retirement" by receiving reduced benefits at age 62. If they wait to start receiving benefits until they are between the ages of 66 and 67, depending on the year they were born, they are eligible to collect the full benefit."

"The Republican Study Committee, a House caucus of conservative Republicans of which Allen is a member, released a budget proposal [pdf] during the 2022 midterms that included a call to raise the Social Security retirement age to 70."

The idea of a Republican Study Committee is just ridiculous. We do know many Republicans studied immoral and illegal ideas on how to overthrow the 2020 election. But in this case, they aren't just screwing younger workers by making them wait until age 70 to receive their full benefit. They're screwing older workers who are working as long as possible to maximize their benefit by waiting until they're 70 1/2 to receive it. That's not a choice they're making willingly, in most cases. It's one made from necessity.

Republicans have always targeted Social Safety nets for the working class, but rarely have they been so straightforward about stating their intention to screw the us.

(Thanks to Social Security Works for supplying C&L with the video.)

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