Sarah Huckabee Sanders Defends Banning Phantom CRT Lessons In AR Schools

The Arkansas governor gave a word salad explanation for basing her executive orders on right-wing lies.

Newly elected Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave a word salad explanation to Fox News Sunday as to why she issued an executive order against critical ract theory and indoctrination when none of that is happening in Arkansas schools.

Host Shannon Bream went straight to her idiotic executive orders when she brought on the former Trump press secretary, who is versed at telling non truths.

"One of them is called executive order to prohibit indoctrination in critical race theory in school," Bream said. "House Minority leader in Arkansas, a Democrat says CRT is not being taught in Arkansas schools. Axios backs that up, they said 'reality check,' there's no indication that the college level courses taught in any Arkansas public school. So, if that's true, why the executive order?"

Here come the lies.

"It's incredibly important that we do things to protect the students in our state. We have to make sure that we're not indoctrinating our kids. We should never teach our kids to hate America or that America is a racist and evil country," Sanders said.

Lie, lie, lie!

Who, where, and when are teachers teaching students in Arkansas to hate America?

There are none.

Racism really riles up Republicans so instead of making a choice to stop being racists or supporting racist policies, they've invented their own workaround against it. By making YOU the racist.

"It should be the exact opposite. We know for a fact that the federal department of education issued CRT guidance and policies to every school district in the country," she said.

When did this occur? When did the federal government issue guidance around the theoretical college paper?

And if they did, what schools are teaching the wingnut fake version of CRT in Arkansas?

None are.

"Our job is to protect the student," Sanders said.

Sanders job should be to protect students, but what she's doing is imitating the worst red state governors actions to throw red meat to the MAGA cult. That's not helping students or state education.

"We're going to take steps every single day to make sure we do exactly that. That's the reason i signed the executive order. I'm proud of the fact that we're taking those steps. We're beginning to continue to do it every single day," Sanders said.

Republican activists hijacked the term during the summer of 2021, to attack President Biden, start a new front on their fake culture wars lunacy and attack our educators hoping to win the midterm elections.

Huckabee Sanders is the latest red state entry into the DeSantis club for liars.

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