Ann Coulter: Trump Is 'Profoundly Stupid'

She finally got there.

Former Trump supporter Ann Coulter said she didn't realize how "profoundly stupid" Trump was when she supported his presidential campaign during an interview with the Timcast podcast.

Host Lydia Smith said Trump's reign reminded her of his celebrity reality show.

"Well he's always known how to be a celebrity, right? she said.

But Coulter disagreed.

"...I think he is a narcissistic..." Coulter said. "The one thing I didn't know when I wrote In Trump We Trust is how profoundly stupid he is."

Coulter admitted that she supported Trump even after the p*ssygrabbing tape came out and said like most Trump supporters, she could forgive him for almost everything.

Bragging about sexual assault is unforgivable for most people, but not Ann and the rest of the MAGA cult.

Anything except when Trump sh*t the bed over immigration. Then she finally let go of him.

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