Doofus DeSantis: I'm Fighting The 'Woke' Everywhere

Did Cervantes write about Don Quixote or Ron DeSantis?

Book-pimping Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News that he is and will continue to fight the 'woke' in the halls of government everywhere.

Sunday Fox News host Mark Levin interviewed DeSantis , purportedly to promote his "book," for almost fifteen minutes and asked the Florida governor why he took on 'the battle of the woke.'

DeSantis said that even though won a large victory in his state, he still has to battle with "the devil," I mean, "the Left."

"And yet the Left can still impose their agenda on my people," DeSantis said. "...And other woke companies and some of the stuff going on in the universities and the schools."

"I have an understanding that fights are broader than just one particular election," he said. "Yes, you have to fight the woke in halls of government and legislative chambers."

Republicans created their bogeyman, using the term 'woke" as a code word. Then they applied it to education and attacked all learning institutions for being guilty of that bogeyman. It quickly became a code word for pedophilia and child grooming. He kept talking about some "sexual agenda" being "shoved down the throats" of his children. Gross.

DeSantis uses the word "woke" to mean any issue, belief, or idea that exposes Republican racism, homophobia, white supremacy, and Christian Nationalism.

Who knew inclusivity and diversity were of the Devil's making? Who knew Satan penned a course in African Studies?

He's such a jackass.

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