Harris Faulkner: Unserious GOP May Investigate SCOTUS Leak

I thought the GOP was worried about inflation and the economy?

Fox News' Harris Faulkner reported that Republicans may investigate the leak of the Dobbs decision since Supreme Court Justice John Roberts own investigation turned up nothing.

Faulkner claimed the leaked draft memo from Alito caused incredible violence and damage against the pro-life community and the justices as well, but it did not.

Christian fundamentalist and Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo was thrilled.

The GOP Congress is correct to demand, and we all should be demanding an F.B.I. investigation of who leaked that Dobbs decision," Arroyo said.

Arroyo then defamed Colonel Curly, the Marshal of the Supreme Court who led the investigation for Roberts, describing her as "Inspector Clouseau."

"We need a serious investigation because the credibility of the Supreme Court and the freedom of that court to rule without influence or undue pressure put upon them is at stake here," Arroyo continued. "We cannot have these draft decisions leaked to the public and weaponized politically. Can't happen again."

Inflation, crime, immigration, COVID supply chain issues apparently are not important to the GOP.

Nobody cares about the SCOTUS leak except the MAGA cult because Trump's behavior was so awful and criminal during the time he occupied the White House that whistle blowers came out of the woodwork to expose him.

Hence, the GOP must attempt to criminalize all whistle blowers and leakers.

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