Trump Announces He'll Order DOJ To Go After Teens Gone Wild

The former guy ranted that he will lock up all teens committing crimes.

Trump joined in the attack on public education and teachers by claiming he will order the Federal Justice Department to punish juvenile offenders by claiming many criminals and carjackers are teens gone wild.

Trump said if elected, he will take over all of juvenile justice.

"These carjackers and criminals are 13, 14, 15 years old," Trump said.

"I will order the Education and Justice Departments to overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors so when troubled youths are out of control, they are out on the streets and they are going wild we will stop it. The consequences are swift, certain, and strong."

This is as ridiculous as "all Mexicans are rapists."

I think Donald dipped into whatever his son has been using on Rumble and had a flashback to the 1979 movie, 'The Warriors.' Or he saw some segment on Fox about carjacking and decided he'd make an "Only I can fix it" announcement about it before going golfing again.

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