John Oliver: Meatball Ron DeSantis Is ‘F**king Gross And Awful’

Last Week Tonight didn't have enough time to cover the amount of awfulness that is DeSantis.

HBO Max's Last Week Tonight host John Oliver began Sunday's program by starting with their main story which focused on the many of the despicable policies and attacks Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been making since he took office in Florida.

DeSantis has made his political doctrine a war against 'wokeism" which means anything Black, Queer, inclusive, diverse and not praising whiteness. Wokeism means anything DeSantis can use to further his political career in the MAGA led GOP.

Oliver actually praised one of Trump's juvenile nicknames for DeSantis (meatball Ron) and used it many times.

Oliver really dug in when he described the Florida governor as “f**king gross and awful” for inserting himself into the attacks on the LGBTQAI+ community.

DeSantis is so f**king gross that the HBO Max program didn't have enough time to cover all the despicable actions he has taken, which includes his dealing with the pandemic, emulating the Texas governor and spending 10 million dollars to send immigrants to blue states just to own the libs.

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