Kellyanne Conway Cries About A President Lying To The Public

The Queen of lies, and lies again.

The Queen of "alternative facts," former Trump campaign manager and advisor Kellyanne Conway went on a rant against the media and the Biden administration about -- not telling the truth.

Conway was very angry indeed that the former guy may be held accountable, and listed some of the investigations into Trump that riled her purity of heart.

"...the January 6, it just goes on and on, and it's relentless to the point where I want to challenge people watching tonight who don't wear red hats, who don't consider themselves MAGA, don't consider themselves very strong political people," Conway said.

Only people wearing red hats, who identify with the MAGA cult and consider themselves experts are the only people that watch Sean Hannity and Fox News, Kellyanne. You know this.

"I want you to ask yourself how many times you've been lied to, not just by this government, but how many times you been lied to by the people whose job it is to tell you the truth in the media?" she asked. And she wasn't being factious.

(If Conway asked for viewers to raise their hands that identified like that, there would be nary an arm raised.)

"All in the service of getting the president. There is no booster. There is no vaccine, it's just going to go on and on, and it's a very serious thing. If they don't go after him, they will go after somebody else like DeSantis..."

Trump made over 30,000 false or misleading statements during his administration. He told Americans to drink bleach as a COVID vaccine.

Trump, to this day, claims the 2020 election was stolen even after he helped incite an insurrection at the US Capitol that killed police officers.

Yet, Conway is very angry at somebody else.

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