Meatball Ron Says He Can't Remember Eating Pudding With His Fingers

As John Oliver reminded us, DeSantis asking a girl about "Thigh food" is even worse.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined former Trump lover Piers Morgan to answer the most important question of his political life: Does he eat chocolate pudding with his fingers?

"Have you ever eaten a chocolate pudding with three fingers?" Morgan asked.

"I don't remember ever doing that," DeSantis said. "Maybe when I was a kid."

The Daily Beast reported that "During a private plane trip from Tallahassee to Washington, D.C., in March of 2019, DeSantis enjoyed a chocolate pudding dessert—by eating it with three of his fingers, according to two sources familiar with the incident."

Who eats pudding like that? A toddler.

It is a yes or no question.

Saying you 'don't remember' isn't the same as making a definitive or declarative statement like, 'I never did, but DeSantis chose to go with Trump's embarrassing "I don't remember" shtick during his Trump U testimony.

Very interesting, indeed.

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