Mike's Blog Round-Up

Looking for Blogs in The Age of TikTok

The CPAC Saturday Edition

Not to worry: Florida's proposed blogger registration only applies to paid bloggers. No one here is paid. Bark Bark Woof Woof. (Hell, if one is paid to "blog", he or she is not a blogger, but a hoor.)

"EXCLUSIVE: After he left office, Donald Trump ordered his chief of staff to leak classified information to the press about an FBI agent and other adversaries. Experts believe that may be a felony." Sounds good, 'though other outlets haven't picked it up yet. Rule of Law by Murray Waas.

Hot Feminism: Letters from South Carolina These are your rights: "Greenville Woman Arrested for Taking Abortion Pills."

All Hat No Cattle actually has plenty of cattle to keep you scrolling.

By M. Bouffant, who is very disappointed by the lack of submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com. One more chance!

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