Rick Scott Babbles About Double Standards For Trump
When arguing for someone to escape consequences for criminal behavior, who has the double standard?
Sen. Rick Scott told Maria Bartiromo that President Biden should be indicted for criminal acts if Trump is, because both sides.
The Florida Senator is still trying to dig himself out from his disastrous economic plan during the 2022 midterms that called for cutting Medicare, so Fox News is giving him as much carefree media coverage as possible.
"All the Democrats hate Trump, there's some Republicans who hate Trump, so guess what, there's a double standard," Scott said. "You can do anything you want to Trump, everybody's okay with that, but you can't do it to Biden."
(If Biden committed crimes, he'd be in the cross-hairs too, only the left wouldn't slavishly support him).
"There is a completely double standard. If you're Trump there's a standard and its, go all in, attack the guy -- everybody, people are okay with that, but if Biden, 'Oh, gotta be careful. Gotta follow the law,'" Sen. Scott whined.
Criticisms and verbal assaults in print, radio, television, and online have been perfectly acceptable in political discourse since our democracy was started. Committing illegal acts are not.
Trump has committed too many moral, illegal, and criminal actions to list here, while President Biden hasn't done anything remotely illegal or immoral.
Scott then attacked all law enforcement agencies tasked with investigating federal cases.
Trump is the one causing a wingnut pity party because he is saying he will be indicted in the coming days, and not any DA or law enforcement agency.
Republicans care not for the rule of law when it comes to the GOP, and want a Republican president to act like a fascist dictator serving with impunity, no matter what their heinous actions are.