Alan Dershowitz Thinks Fox Needs More 'Diversity' After Tucker Fired

Who knew the country needed views from white supremacists to exist?

On Newsmax, the disgraced Alan Dershowitz blamed Tucker Carlson's termination on Chuck Schumer, whining that the country needs more 'diverse thinking' like Tucker Carlson's hateful white power nationalism.

"What worries me most is that Chuck Schumer, one of the most powerful men in the United States, the majority leader of the United States Senate, put pressure on Fox to do what they did," Dershowitz said. "And, you know, Fox under the First Amendment has the right to do anything it chooses."

Dershowitz ranted about government influence over media companies, yet he never flinched when Trump tried to get everyone and anyone in the media fired criticizing him or his policies, as well as hoping to undo journalistic protections so he could sue news outlets.

Fox News would never cater to Chuck Schumer, anyway.

"And I do think that we are poorer today with less diversity," Dershowitz said, without irony.

Dershowitz is calling for normalizing anti-Semitism, racism, Christian nationalism, xenophobia, trans hate and more.

"I was not a great fan of Tucker Carlson. I'm not a great fan of Don Lemon. That's not the point," he said.

Since Newsmax appears to be one of the only networks having him on their airwaves, Alan made sure to praise them.

"The point is that every television station should emulate Newsmax. Newsmax has me. I don't agree with Mr. Gorka on many things. But our viewers get a diversity of views on Newsmax. I wish more channels would emulate Newsmax and do," he said.

That is ridiculous since Newsmax almost only puts on people that support or defend Trump, Republicans, and extreme far-right Christian nationalism.

"You know, everybody loves diversity. Everybody talks about diversity when it comes to race. But when it comes to opinions, the last thing most people want is to hear opinions different from their own," he spewed.

Dershowitz is making the case that the USA would thrive hearing more from Holocaust deniers.

What a buffoon.

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