Alex Jones' Tone Poem Of Destruction
Jones makes believe his struggles are up there with Martin Luther King.
Alex Jones ranted that his fight against self-imagined enemies makes him a teammate of Tucker Carlson.
And their "suffering" is on par with the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and '60s.
I kid you not.
Rich, entitled, elitist, whiter than white a-holes, who never faced racism? Got it.
I've already been through this process myself. A humble little detonator that was attached to the larger explosive stockpile.
And now, politically, non-violently, a major explosion and chain reaction have begun. And all the King's Horses and all the New World Orders men can't put their satanic pedophile network back together again.
So let the pain and the persecution and the bullying we're going to go through come as sweet victory.
Because just like when the police began to split the heads of black Americans demanding the right to civil rights and release the police dogs and the fire hoses on them, they had won.
And all of us now have to go through that in a high-tech fashion and hold the line that the enemy will commit terror attacks, they will blame it, but no one's gonna buy it.
And we're gonna have to go through this process.
And some of us will have to be killed.
Some of us will have to be in prison.
Some of us will have to be tortured.
But that's what men are supposed to go through.
That's what it's all about.
You weren't put here to just sit around and watch Netflix and eat chili dogs.
Well, that sounds good.
Jones is hoping for his minions to crack heads and be killed to support his lies and conspiracy theories. All the while claiming he's Jesus going through the Passion of the Christ.