AOC: Clarence Thomas Statement Proves His Own Guilt
What colleague supposedly advised Thomas to take the extravagant gift in the first place?
Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez told CNN's Dana Bash that Clarence Thomas' response to receiving gifts from a billionaire was damning and actually opened more questions about his behavior as a Supreme Court justice.
"And he said himself, in his statement, ‘A friend of 25 years.’ Justice Thomas has been on the court for 30 years, and so, to say what he is admitting in his statement, in an attempt to defend himself is that he began this relationship with a billionaire and receiving these sorts of gifts as after he was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States," Cortez stated.
AOC didn't stop there.
“I do believe Chief Justice John Roberts must now come forward and state if he allows, and is allowing, this kind of very serious corruption to happen on on this court,” the Queens Congresswoman said.
AOC also said that Congress needs to find out which colleague advised him to break the law.
Couple Thomas' bad behavior with his wife and we have a renegade Justice pair. No one should ever take an opinion of Clarence Thomas seriously again. In fact, he should just resign.