Fox News' Cavuto Really Frustrated With Patriotic Millionaires

Cavuto refused to wrap his head around the idea that millionaires and billionaires are in favor of taxation.

FOX News and Business host Neil Cavuto was visibly upset on Tuesday by a group called Patriotic Millionaires who held a press conference imploring the federal government to raise taxes on the very rich.

Patriotic Millionaires Chairman Morris Pearl joined Fox News to discuss what their intentions are.

Throughout the very long interview, Cavuto refused to wrap his head around the idea that millionaires and billionaires should be paying their fair share, and raising taxes on them is fair and just. His ears were bleeding while an actual millionaire spoke like a progressive.

"Now that idea of a wealth tax, which would bring you to those kind of levels, is something that a lot of people say would be very onerous and bring us back to a time when the rich were forking over 70 to 90 percent of their wealth," Cavuto said. "Do you think that's a good idea?"

Pearl had to reeducate the Fox News host on the time in America when the country was thriving and the very rich were taxed properly.

"Look, plenty of people were making lots of money. Businesses were being created. The interstate highway system was created. Companies were created at a time when the very richest paid significantly higher tax rates than they do now," Pearl said.

Par for the course, Cavuto was more worried about government spending than gathering revenues and of course, taxing the rich.

"I've seen some of your colleagues, Abigail Disney among them, saying that they want to pay more," Cavuto said. "No matter who's paying the bill, and the rich disproportionately still pay most of that bill."

"But do you think that we should apply the same creativity to how we spend our money before you start giving more money?" Cavuto asked.

"Well, look, the government can spend more money. The budget deficit was not written in stone. It was written by a couple of interns in the middle of the night in pencil in late 2017," Pearl said.

"We do have the kind of wealth in our country, and we can spend more money. We just have to take some of the money from the very richest, from the billionaires, instead..."

Cavuto was about to blow his stack because he couldn't fathom how very rich people would want to do the right thing and pay more taxes to help others in the entire country.

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