Fox News Poll On Gun Control Destroys GOP Gun Myths

It turns out the only people in the whole United States who don't want gun safety laws are the lobbyists and Republican politicians.

A new Fox News poll shows massive support for stricter gun laws and enforcement in the United States, laying waste to every elected Republican official who bows down to the NRA.

Improving enforcement of existing gun laws (81%)

Raising the legal age to buy a gun to 21 (81%)

Requiring mental health checks on gun buyers (80%)

Allowing police to take guns from those considered a danger to themselves or others (80%)

Requiring a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases (77%)

Fox Business host Stuart Varney brought on Florida Senator Rick Scott to discuss the results

"A new Fox poll reveals a majority of voters want more restrictions on gun ownership. Only 45% think that arming more people would reduce gun violence," Varney said.

Republicans in Congress are so out of touch with this country on how to stop gun violence, it's insulting.

After a ham-handed introduction to Scott, Varney got down to business.

"Look, this Fox poll on guns, that's not good news for Republicans," he said. "I mean, you're staking your claim to authority on, you know, don't do anything with gun laws, you've got enough already."

Scott's response was to agree with enforcing current laws and then he refused to discuss the latest Fox News polling.

"But let's also figure out how to make people safe," Scott said.

The f**king Fox poll just told Sen. Scott how to make people safer, but instead he stuck his head in the sand.

"I put a bill out this week. It's the Guardian School Act. It's to do what I did in Florida, put armed guards in all of our schools," he said.

"Do you think that would be popular, Senator?" Varney quizzically asked. "People with guns in schools, more people, more guns in schools."

Scott pushed on without answering his direct questions. Varney could have pushed Scott to directly answer his questions about the poll, but he didn't.

We already know having one armed security person in school isn't going to make any child safer. it will give Republicans a talking point, but that's all. Keeping mass murdering assault weapons and high powered magazines out the the hands of killers would be a good start.

Congressional Democrats and the White House need to blast this poll out every chance they get.

Varney could have pushed Scott to directly answer his questions about the poll, but he didn't.

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