Jerry Nadler: Jim Jordan Weaponizing Committee To Do Trump's Bidding

Nadler doesn't sugarcoat it.

The ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee used his opening remarks during today's hearing to bash Chairman Jim Jordan for bringing the committee to Manhattan on a mission to protect Trump and smear Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

"Thank you Mr. Chairman. Let me be very clear. We are here today in Lower Manhattan for one reason and one reason only," Nadler said. "The Chairman is doing the bidding of Donald Trump."

Rep. Nadler continued speaking truths to Republican lies.

Committee Republicans designed this hearing to intimidate and deter the duly elected District Attorney of Manhattan from doing the work his constituents elected him to do.

They have demanded access to the in workings of an ongoing criminal case, information to which they know they are not entitled.

They have subpoenaed a witness who used to work for the District Attorney whom they know cannot answer their questions and they have earned a lawsuit that risks future congressional oversight as a result.

They have perpetuated the anti-semitic and racist tropes that Mr. Trump has directed at both the prosecutor and the judge in this case.

They are using their public offices and the resources of this committee to protect their political patron Donald Trump.

It is an outrageous abuse of power.

It is, to use the chairman's favorite term, a weaponization of the House Judiciary Committee.

I do not know if Mr. Trump will be found guilty.

I do not know.

I do not know if Mr. Trump will be found guilty by a jury of his peers here in New York or, for that matter, in Georgia or in Washington, DC on charges that may follow, but I do know that he will have his day in court.

Using this committee to undermine that process as it unfolds is cynical, unethical, and given the violence unleashed on the Capitol by the former president, just plain dangerous.

To Nadler's point, Chairman Jordan IS weaponizing the federal government via the House Judiciary to attack an elected official in Manhattan to defend and protect his ally, Trump.

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