Rudy Giuliani Goes Full On 'One World Order'

Throw in a George Soros anti-Semitic claim to boot.

Rudy Giuliani is nuttier than a fruit basket.

He's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

And it breaks my heart to see what these anti-American, these people who hate America, what they're doing to it.

And I know why they're doing it.

So Soros is paying for this because he hates America.

He hates American nationalism.

And he wants us to be part of one world, which you know will be ruled by China.

Mayor, hang on for one second.

Took over.

The communists took over.

They've changed our system of justice.

It's no longer, we're no longer a country of laws.

We're a country of men and the men are radical communists who want to destroy America so that it becomes part of one world.

Literally, they don't like American nationalism.

And that just like the cultural.

And he's got a forever platform on Steve Bannon's show, Right Side Broadcasting, Newsmax, or his own "podcast."

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