Texas Governor's Pardon Would Usher In Open Season On All Protestors

Greg Abbott wants to pardon a convicted murderer of a Black Lives Matter protestor.

On Friday, Daniel S. Perry was found guilty by a Texas jury of murdering Garrett Foster, 28, at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in 2020.

On Saturday, using the state's "stand your ground' laws, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took to Twitter to say he'd free the convicted murder if a pardon reaches his desk.

This is insane.

Perry's defense argued that Foster raised his weapon at Perry, who was driving an Uber at the time and forced Foster to shoot him five times through his windshield.

However, like Killer Kyle Rittenhouse before him, the prosecutors highlighted a "series of social media posts and Facebook messages in which Perry made statements that they said indicated his state of mind, such as he might “kill a few people on my way to work. They are rioting outside my apartment complex.”

"A friend responded, “Can you legally do so?” Perry replied, “If they attack me or try to pull me out of my car then yes.”

Perry's posts explained to the jury what he would do to protestors if he came upon them and even gave up his defense.

Fox News White Power hour host Tucker Carlson swallowed Perry's defense whole and blamed George Soros for prosecuting Perry and demanded Abbott issue a pardon.

"Because Austin, Texas, the justice system is overseen by a Soros-funded DA, Perry was charged with murder for defending himself. And tonight, we are sad to tell you, this man, a military veteran driving an Uber car, was convicted of murder,” said Carlson. “It means that in the state of Texas, if you have the wrong politics, you’re not allowed to defend yourself.”

What it means, f**k face, is that if you have the wrong politics you can be executed on the spot.

Gov. Abbott seemed to respond to Carlson's diatribe as soon as the words were vomited out of his mouth.

Abbott is nullifying the jury system in Texas, a jury that heard from 40 witnesses and took two days to deliberate. Abbott is treating a murder as if it was a traffic ticket.

Texas is pro-life except when a right-winger murders a protestor.

Outside of those involved in this horrific event, Abbott's pardon would send a chilling message throughout this country that it's okay to shoot protesters at will if you are a right-winger and disagree with their politics.

If a pardon comes down it will signal an "open season" all year round to every red state in this country that all protestors are fair game as long as you claim self defense.

It's a call-to-arms for fascist thugs, and their right-wing media minions to take out the opposition any way possible.

Murder is now an available form of response to protests.

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