There's Got To Be Something Wrong With Matt Gaetz

How can a member of Congress be so stupid about automatic weapons?

On Monday's Rep. Matt Gaetz podcast, the Florida MAGA apologist claimed your grandparents could order AR 15's through the mail.

We are not making that up.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that in 1791, there were no mass murderers, even though people could own cannons?

"Democrats want to blame guns, of course," Gaetz said. "But we know it is not that simple. It's misguided even."

"Your grandparents used to be able to order mail-order automatic weapons," he claimed. "And when the Second Amendment was written, the American people such as they were, could own cannons."

Pretty hard to even move a cannon, let alone kill several of your neighbors with it.

"No mass shootings back then," Gaetz chimed.

WTF? There were no AR15s back in the late 1790s. The first automatic weapon was created in 1884.

This is so stupid on so many levels I'm not going to write my usual rebuttal.

I will make two points.

In 1791, when the Second Amendment, was written, there were under 4 million people in the entire country. Just two years earlier, the U.S. Congress passed an act to establish the United States military.

Rep. Gaetz is either unaware or lying, but for shits and giggles, I will educate him.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Congress were able to remove the infamous Tommy gun or Thompson submachine guns, firing 600 rounds of bullets in a minute, from city streets, with the National Firearms Act of 1934, the first serious federal gun safety legislation ever passed to protect American lives from gun violence.

I'll take a guess and say AR15s have murdered more Americans in the past two years than all the Tommy Guns ever did.

What a f**king idiot.

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