Charlie Kirk's TPUSA Links Up With Sex Offender As Sponsor
Target should be destroyed over Rainbow apparel, but taking money from a registered sex offender is perfectly fine. Gotcha!
Christian Nationalist and MAGA surrogate Charlie Kirk, who has made attacking child groomers, the LGBT community and rainbow friendly corporations as his personal punching bag is using a registered sex offender as a corporate sponsor for their TPUSA summit.
Are you surprised?
Rolling Stone has the scoop: "TPUSA summit’s corporate sponsors is a Christian fashion company that is led by a registered sex offender, Shawn Bergstrand, who served time in federal prison for attempted “coercion and enticement” after trying to persuade “a minor female” to “engage in sexual activity.”
When it comes to money, Kirk's TPUSA suddenly has made forgiveness of sex offenders a tenant on their faith
“One of the core tenants of the Christian faith is forgiveness rooted in repentance. After discussing the issue with him, we believe [it] was critical to bringing him to faith,” Kolvet added. “He doesn’t hide from what happened, he instead posts his testimony online on his company website.
In a recent C&L post, Kirk demanded Target be destroyed for supporting Pride month by selling some Rainbow apparel.
Apparently taking money from a registered sex offender is perfectly fine with him though.
Kirk's response is just a f**ked up as you might imagine.
Kirk responded to Rolling Stone’s coverage of his group’s new crusade. “First of all, it’s not my Turning Point,” Kirk insisted of his organization. “It’s the Lord’s Turning Point.” He added: “I am both a Christian and a nationalist, but most importantly, I’m a Christian.”
Kirk is only the founder of TPUSA.
I believe Kirk should suffer the same fate that he demands for TARGET and Bud Light, etc...
Total destruction.