Kevin McCarthy Brags: Children On Welfare Now Forced To Work

Wait, what?

Attacking 'the least of us' has always been the primary purpose of all Republican lawmakers, along with protecting tax cuts for the wealthy.

Kevin McCarthy dredges the bottom of the barrel on Fox and Friends earlier today trying to sell the debt ceiling agreement with the White House.

"But we also did something different, " McCarthy said.

"In this welfare family, we may have a child that is able-bodied, not married, no kids, but he sitting on the couch collecting welfare. We're going to put work requirements on that individual. So he's going to have work requirement-- he's going to get a job."

McCarthy describes his fantasy family as "a poverty-stricken household."

Only in MAGA land and conservative circles do they characterize all welfare recipients as no-good, lazy bastards laying on a couch, eating free food, sucking down a Bud Lite, wearing rainbow sneakers, and watching free TV while laughing at you.

And how young a child are we talking about here? Iowa and other GOP states are loosening child labor laws.

I mean, we knew they were for child labor, but paying them in food stamps seems low, even for you, Kevin McCarthy.

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