Marge: Rasmussen Poll Endorses My Biden Impeachment

Has Marge taken too many steroids?

The far-right fringe Georgia Congresswoman went on the House floor during general speeches to claim that because of her social media survey on Twitter and a Rasmussen poll that she misquotes, Americans favor impeaching President Biden.


After demanding Merrick Garland must be impeached too, the QAnon Klan Mom got into it.

"What I want to tell the House of Representatives today is a Rasmussen poll was released just last week that 53 percent of voters in America, Republicans, Independents, and Democrats, support the impeachment of Joe Biden for high crimes and misdemeanors," Greene said.

Of course, she misquoted and characterized the poll in her terms.

Greene then belched that she filed articles of impeachment on Biden, as well as Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas, over "the border."

"At 5 p.m. yesterday, I released a survey, simply on my social media, asking, do you support impeachment? Eight thousand six hundred people responded, and that was just from 5 p.m. last night," she said.

"77 percent said yes, they support impeachment. Only 23 percent opposed, and if anyone's read the comments on my Twitter account, you know for sure it's not just Republicans that follow me," Greene claimed.

That settles it then, since 1.15% of her Twitter followers responded to her survey. Surely most of the responders supporting impeachment were Democrats, right?

How does Marge know what political affiliation all of her responders were?

Using a vague Rasmussen poll of likely voters that doesn't tell you the breakdown of Democrats, Republicans and independents that responded.

But Marge says she's on solid ground for impeachment.

Disagreeing with the policies of a rival party is not criminal nor cause for impeachment, but Marge's base doesn't care about that.

What a clown show she is.

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