Elon Musk Agrees To Censor Twitter Content In Turkey
Phony free-speech advocate Musk just threw out the baby with the bath water by coming to Erdogan's aide.

It was revealed this past Friday that Twitter has bent the knee to right-wing President Erdogan and agreed to censor and restrict some content in this country, two days before the highly anticipated Turkish presidential Election Sunday.
This move flies in the face of everything Elon Musk has said about "free speech" before and after acquiring Twitter.
I'm right there with Duncan Black: "I did warn you."
Sunday's election had serious implications for Turkey. Erdogan has been ruling like a dictator for many years.
Even though there is a run-off election now, Erdogan is playing the Trump card and claiming he's been leading all along.
If Turkey was a true democracy with a center-left president, would Musk have acquiesced to restrict content for the election?
Musk's response to Yglesias is so typical of the far-right bloviating buffoon.
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales blasted Musk for not fighting Erdogan like Wikipedia did.
“We stood strong for our principles and fought to the Supreme Court of Turkey and won,” he posted on Saturday. “This is what it means to treat freedom of expression as a principle rather than a slogan.”
In response to pushback from one of Musk’s paid Twitter Blue subscribers, Wales later added: “We do not bend to the will of governments, anywhere.”
“If Elon is now saying ‘we don’t care about freedom of expression if it interferes with making money,’ then he should just say that,” Wales wrote.
I'm sure Fox News and right-wing media will bury this story as deeply as they can.