Another Trumper Nutcase Praying For J6 Political Prisoners

"Right Side Broadcasting" exploits people like this. Truly sad.

A guest at the NH Lilac Luncheon fundraiser told RSBN that the January 6th insurrectionists are really political prisoners who are being falsely imprisoned.

RSBN host Matthew Alvarez interviewed guests walking in before the luncheon speakers started and many claimed the 2020 election was stolen.

Alvarez then interviewed Kathy Holmes (a Christian Patriot) and she immediately claimed Trump is the country's only hope because the End Times are upon us.

Alvarez broke into a prayer for Trump to win, and then Holmes launched into her wacky rant.

Thousands of people across the country, 9 o'clock their alarm goes off, and we pray for the political prisoners ever since that election was stolen, really, in 2020. And so I just want to remember them, those patriots that are political prisoners in America, you'd never believe it, but there they are.

Right, and we're praying for them as well.

And your name's Kathy Holmes?

Yeah, yeah.

This is my button for being the campaign manager for two representatives that won.

And they told me, get a badge for yourself, and it says I'm the boss, but I do what they say.

Kathy, thank you so much for the button.

Nice to talk with you.

Alvarez then launched into his own conspiracy monologue.

"And definitely we pray and remember the men and women that are J6 prisoners. We pray in Jesus' name for them to be released. They're falsely imprisoned," he said to the online audience. "They're political prisoners, as the lady just mentioned."

Right Side Broadcasting acts like Trump's personal evangelical online media company.

This is MAGA in a nutshell. Trump is their Christian savior (don't laugh), and those attacking the US Capitol are the true patriots.

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