Greg Kelly: Trump Not Guilty Because He Ordered A Diet Coke
There is no bottom for their lies.
Newsmax host Greg Kelly reviewed the newly released audio by CNN and claimed Trump could not be guilty of sharing top secrets to outsiders because he ordered a Diet Coke.
The Newsmax host goes all the way back to 2006, to use an article written by the New York Times about Bush, when he was president leaking information to the press to justify Trump's alleged criminal actions.
Remember, what did the New York Times say about this kind of stuff?
The leaking of secrets has long been a favored tool of policy debate, political combat and diplomatic one upsmanship.
Bush was the president at the time and had the authority to declassify top secret documents. Trump on the other hand did not and said so on the tape.
"Finally, [Trump] asked for some refreshments," Kelly said and played more of the Trump tape.
It's so cool. So I'm look, we're here -- and you probably almost didn't believe me.
But now you believe me.
It's incredible, right?
No, bring some Cokes in, boys.
Kelly jumped back in.
"When you're talking about let's have a few Diet Cokes, you don't think you're in the middle of a crime and he was not in the middle of a crime and the political combat," the Newsmax host said.
So, Trump is not responsible for being guilty of sharing top secret attack plans under the Espionage Act, because he wasn't aware he may have been committing a criminal act.
Listening to the tape destroys that juvenile argument because on the audio Trump tells them it's top secret and makes sure they know what they are seeing is off-the-record.
Being a Trump white-washing fluffer and apologist is definitely a full-time job.
What a f**king fool.