Kari Lake's Opinions Now Stretch To California

She also opens her batsh*t piehole about Dominion and Smartmatic, who may be contacting their lawyers, again.

MAGA Queen of Arizona, who refuses to accept defeat in her election loss, retweeted a crazy conspiracy thread that claims California is actually a red state because Dominion and Smartmatic have been stealing millions of votes for decades.

That includes this: Joe Biden won only in the SFO Bay area. In all the rest of California - including Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County - Trump won BIG in California!

How f**king ludicrous is this?

If you follow the thread, Greg makes wild claims with no facts based on hyperbolic gibberish about George Soros, and the two vote-counting companies.

If you thought Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mules was a MAGA fever dream of conspiracies, Greg may have just topped it.

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