We're Pretty Sure Merrick Garland Is Not Afraid Of Cancun Ted
The Texas Senator tried to outdo Marjorie Taylor Greene's QAnon proclivities. FAIL.
Sometimes a video is funny, sometimes it's sad. We can't decide about this one.
With absolutely no proof, Sen. Ted Cruz told Hannity that Attorney General Merrick Garland will indict Trump, merely because he wasn't allowed a hearing for his Supreme Court nomination after Antonin Scalia died.
The cockwombler smeared and gutted Cancún Cruz during the 2016 presidential primaries. And instead of keeping his dignity, Cruz joined the MAGA cult in the hopes that the Republican Party would like him.
That was another fail.
TED CRUZ: The agencies and the deep state waged war against Donald Trump. During the four years Trump was president, the deep state tried to do everything they could to destroy his presidency.
Now those partisans are back in the open. They are brazen. They are running the Biden Justice Department, the FBI, the IRS, and Sean it gives me no pleasure to say it, this Attorney General Merrick Garland is the most partisan, he is the most political Attorney General in our nation's history, and he has corrupted the Department of Justice, he has corrupted the FBI, he has corrupted the machinery of government, and they're perfectly willing to use it.
It is effectively an arm of the DNC, the hypocrisy is massive, and mark my words, I believe Merrick Garland will indict Donald Trump.
He wants to indict Donald Trump because he hates Donald Trump, he hates him. He's angry. Merrick Garland is angry that he wasn't confirmed to the Supreme Court.
He wants to indict him.
Sen. Cruz didn't stop there and continued rambling for what seemed like hours.
Merrick Garland hasn't done one thing, so far, to appear like a DNC operative, and has actually angered many on the left.
Bill Barr politicized his office, covering up the Russia investigation, as well as orchestrating an "investigation of the investigators" that was a complete failure but for the Hannity faux content it created.
John Durham, anyone? But Trump's criminality was even too much for Barr, and he finally admitted as much.
When one party and one president (GOP and Trump) behave like criminals, they should be treated as such. There is no quid pro quo in the DOJ between both political parties when one is law-abiding and the other tries to overthrow the government.