For Tasty Lies, Fox Turns To Nancy Mace
What's the delicious lie Nancy Mace comes up with today?
Nancy Mace is a colossal liar.
And so today Mace told another one, claiming that Rep. Adam Schiff was censured for leaking classified docs during the Russia investigations, which is patently false.
Even the Fox News chyron blared Schiff was censured over Trump-Russia Claims, not leaking documents.
"He was censured and kicked off the Intel Committee for leaking classified information from the Intel Committee," Rep. Mace claimed. "And as the Left and Democrats were cheering him on, leaking classified information is okay as long as your last name isn't Trump, because they're the same group of people that want to see Donald Trump spend the rest of his life in jail for having documents that he did not leak."
Rep. Schiff was not censured or kicked off the Intel Committee because he leaked classified documents.
McCarthy caved to the wackos so he could get their votes to become Speaker and agreed to go after Schiff, who was a very effective lawmaker during both impeachment trials. Schiff was kicked off the committee because Qevin said so.
The censure was Republican revenge over the Russia investigations as PBS reports.
The revised resolution says Schiff held positions of power during Trump’s presidency and “abused this trust by saying there was evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.”
“Representative Schiff purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people,” the resolution said.
We know there was certainly collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russia -- it was proven and fully outlined in the Mueller report. Schiff exposed some of this during his destruction of Durham yesterday.
In both cases, there was no mention of then-Chairman Schiff leaking classified documents to anyone, including the media.
The leaking of docs meme started with a Mike Pompeo claim made in January, that was never verified by anyone.
Lying to protect Trump is the GOP platform.