GOP Rep Explains Trump’s Crimes To Him

The Republican congressman explains the facts to Trump

Nebraska member of the House Armed Services Committee Rep. Don Bacon told NBC's Meet The Press, that Trump keeping and refusing to return top secrets documents is a crime.

Chuck Todd played a short video of Trump making up his own rules. That appears to be his defense strategy in relation to the handling of classified documents after he left office.

TRUMP: Whatever documents the president decides to take with him, he has the absolute right to take them. He has the absolute right to keep them. Or he can give them back to NARA if he wants.

Todd asked the Nebraska lawmaker if anything Trump said was true.

CHUCK TODD: It's not often that somebody who's accused of something admits it at a function there. Is there any part of that statement that's correct?

REP. DON BACON: I don't believe so, Chuck. We don't have a right to take top-secret information to our homes. I've dealt with top secrets since I was 22 years old, in the military for 30 years, and now in Congress. You don't show our attack plans on Iran to people who are not cleared or pick documents that talk about our nuclear technology or where our intelligence resources are located throughout the world.

And that's what happened there. And when the government asks for them back, you give them back. And if you deny having them, but then you have them, those are crimes.

The only way Trump wiggles out from under these crimes is if Judge Cannon goes bonkers or there is jury tampering of one kind or another.

Republicans know it too.

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