How Killer Kyle Got His Grift Back

Killer Kyle Rittenhouse has got a new grift going on and is living high off the conservative welfare hog.

For a while, it looked like Killer Kyle Rittenhouse was going to have to quit grifting and get a real job. He kept having his appearances cancelled and when he did have one, no one showed up for it.

But now, Kyle has got his grift going on again, this time with a sham foundation:

Kyle Rittenhouse, the right-wing activist who was famously acquitted of killing two Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020, is stepping up his involvement in Texas politics.

Already this year, he’s rallied with a Texas secessionist movement leader, endorsed ultraconservative midterm candidates, and railed against Texas gun control legislation and the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Now, Rittenhouse is creating a nonprofit in the state — with help from well-connected, far-right political actors.

In a July 23 filing with the Texas secretary of state’s office, he described “The Rittenhouse Foundation” as a nonprofit that “protects human and civil rights secured by law, including an individual’s inalienable right to bear arms” and “ensures the Second Amendment is preserved through education and legal assistance.”

The article is being rather generous by crediting him for the foundation's creation. We all know that Killer Kyle isn't smart enough to find his way out of a paper bag even if he had a map.

It would be more accurate to say that he agreed to be a puppet figurehead for the group which was set up and being run by people that are a lot smarter than him and have a lot more money than him. In fact, the only area that he can hold his ground in is that they are equally batshit crazy:

According to the Texas Tribune, the Rittenhouse Foundation lists two directors in addition to Rittenhouse himself — Texas Gun Rights President Chris McNutt and Defend Texas Liberty PAC treasurer Shelby Griesinger.

The foundation’s registered agent is the law firm of Tony McDonald. McDonald’s firm has also represented the conservative organization Empower Texans which — along with Defend Texas Liberty PAC — has received millions of dollars from fossil fuel billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks, who were early funders for conservative media outlets PragerU and The Daily Wire.

McNutt has a long history of being a conspiracy theorist, including being anti-vax Christofascist.

Griesinger is also a Christian Nationalist, a white supremacist and has embraced conspiracy theories tied to Pizzagate.

Rittenhouse's "most conservative boss," Jonathan Stickland, is the leader of a group called Defend Texas Liberty. Defend Texas Liberty is a front group for a trio of uber wealthy, uber conservative oil tycoons - Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks and his brother, Dan Wilks.

So, in other words, Kyle now has himself some Texas sugar daddies. He doesn't have to do anything but make some appearances and say some stupid shit. Not bad for someone who couldn't hold down a real job if his life depended on it.

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